Mediterranean Color

Jeffrey Becom
Jeffrey Becom , 1994
Mediterranean Color: Jeffrey Becom
Publisher: Abbeville Press
Dimensions: 10.25 x 10.25 Inches
Pages: 160
$ 45.00

Jeffrey Becom is a contemporary renaissance man; painter, photographer, and writer; whose work is exhibited widely, He spent the 1980s creating a series of photographs in the lands bordering the Mediterranean Sea. These photos were collected in his book Mediterranean Color


Mediterranean Color is at once abstract and specific: the royal blue, maroon, lobster red, and yolk-yellow wall and doorway in a Becom photography have all the persuasive coherence of a great color-field painting, but they are aspects of a real house belonging to a certain fisherman in a particular place. 


The photographs are set in context by Becom's brilliant writing, a personal memoir of his search for Mediterranean color and also the product of wide-ranging research on the history of the region and its marvelously varied traditions of vernacular building. 


Foreword by Pulitzer Prize-winning critic Paul Goldberger

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