In Situ

D.W. Mellor
D.W. Mellor, 2004
In Situ: D.W. Mellor
Publisher: Self Printed by D. W. Mellor
Dimensions: 11.5 x 9.5 inches
$ 85.00

D. W. MELLOR was born (1947) and lives in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania suburb of Bryn Mawr. He is a former commercial photographer, professor, fine art photography collector, and gallery director.


He has had numerous solo exhibitions and his photographs are in the permanent collections of major museums including the Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the Museo National de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His first book In Situ was published in 2004.

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