
Peter Turnley
Peter Turnley , 2000
Parisians: Peter Turnley
Publisher: Abbeville Press
Dimensions: 11.75 X 9.75
Pages: 167
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As his affectionate but crisply unsentimental images of Paris and Parisians make evident, Peter Turnley is a clear-eyed descendant of such master French photographers as Brassai, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Doisneau, and Edouard Boubat. That Turnley's work has been inspired by these earlier influences comes as no surprise, for as a young photographer he worked as Doisneau's assistant, and he subsequently became a close friend of Boubat. Turnley's work is nonetheless uniquely his own, rooted in his twenty-five-year affair of the heart with the most beautiful city in the world. It is a city that offers him not only beauty but also a cherished haven from the wrenching horrors of war and upheaval that he documents in the course of his career as a photojournalist. His photos give us seductive glimpses of Paris life as lived on the street, in the Metro, and at countless neighborhood cafés an intimate Paris that outsiders rarely see.

160 duotone photographs. Signed by the artist 

of 107